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Good Job Oil

Good Job Oil


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This oil is on point! My husband is a welder in the pipe trade union and I anoint his wrists every morning with this before going to work and let me tell you.. he has been able to find work, keep work, and he also gets acknowledged for his hard work. His bosses tell him, ?good job?! And it helps him to feel very confident at work. I even used a bit of oil on my wrists before work and was told from my employer that I am doing a good job, and a lot of compliments for my duties. I work with autistic teens and adults and was able to help them lose extra weight and perform new skills that other therapists could not do. This oil is a lifesaver, it also helped me land my job. I put a little bit of it on a green candle and lit it during a new moon to draw in new energy and it worked! Thank you Mama E!
Date Added: 04/26/2022