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(image for) Inflammatory Confusion Oil
Inflammatory Confusion Oil

Inflammatory Confusion Oil


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I felt bad because my ex husband left me once again...this time i divorced him...any who his skank thought it was cute to facebook pictures of them to together...and tell me what he thinks of me....I was impossible trying to move on!! i was so hurt that my kids were hurt that i decided to take matters in my own hands....This right here!!! The inflammatory confusion oil!!Hands down!!! I used it last year on my ex husband and his skank...just say..i used to much!! Lets say over kill.....i was upset..& please if you have questions about a product ask!!!! Especially the amount to use!!! I saw my ex husband walking down the street naked and his gf was at home tweaking...later on i found out. She had a bad trip using meth and went after him and made him strip....because she assumed he was out to get her.....he was so distraught he was literally lost! He went to a rehab for 2weeks and called me becauase he didnt want to be there...so i took his crazy ass home! I feel bad because he admitted to doing drugs....but his personality is gone in the wind with the birds...because he is clearly different..." in a bad way" so i dont know if it was the confusion oil or the drugs.....im moving on....
Date Added: 08/16/2017