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(image for) Come to Me Candle - Setting of Lights
Come to Me Candle - Setting of Lights

Come to Me Candle - Setting of Lights


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Successful burn. Yay! Lets see what happens in the following month (these candles work miracles for a month, some of them works instantly, others give you info, dreams, synchronicities. I really love these candles).
Be aware of the following: people from past may return, this has happened to me this time (all planets are direct, don't blame planets), it was a person I asked to forgive in order to move on, unsuccessful burn that time. He reappeared out if the blue, asking me out, etc.
Thank you Universe but I am going to wait this month to see signs and moves from my target. It is a nice individual and I don't have anything to forget about him or forgive him. If my actual interest don't make a move I do trust I am meeting someone new but this other past individual no way. I am focusing on nice people, environments and self love. Beware of this when ordering this candle.
The team 10/10 as always. Are you seeking for answers? Order this.
Happy Valentines everyone! Self love is the greatest gift.
A's my beautiful team
Date Added: 02/14/2024