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(image for) Reversing Candle - Setting of Lights
Reversing Candle - Setting of Lights

Reversing Candle - Setting of Lights


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First off I love Doctor E Products and I'm grateful for Mama E and her team! Every time I sense something is off, see and feel things like dreams, candles in my house turning black, electronics messing up randomly, feeling negative or ill towards others for no reason, sensing darkness around me, I get a reading I get readings done. I've gotten a reading done recently and it was shown the devil card and the persons element sign. I know who that is, also she has been showing up in my dreams lately and just certain things point to her, so I know and feel it's her. Her life isn't going well as I know of, and although I messaged her and asked her to stop with her witchcraft and leave us alone she continues out of anger and hates that she couldn't break up my marriage or family. She didn't win and because of all the reversals I did and justice work her life has been going to shit. I mean sometimes you do it to yourself. It's till you stop wishing people bad for no reason that maybe your life will get better. I tried to warn her but she keeps on and as long as she keeps trying I'll keep fighting back. I'm very aware of the signs of witchcraft being done, and this candle has helped me and my family a lot, also combined with Fiery Wall of Protection and Archangel Michael, which I also love. But here's to the good fight and the gratitude I have towards mama E and her team and the spirits who help us. I love ya and I'm very grateful from the bottom of my heart; I always log in my account and reread my candle reports those help me a lot also pinpoint when things may have been done and what I need to do next ! Thank you Mama E and Team!
Date Added: 05/03/2021