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(image for) Money Draw Candle - Setting of Lights
Money Draw Candle - Setting of Lights

Money Draw Candle - Setting of Lights


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This was the first ever candle I bought. All I can say is that this month I brought in one years living and am still drawing in more. My target / intention is bigger than that and it was money I worked for but still, everything seemed to come in easier.

I?m very careful as to what to write and I try to put myself in the shoes of the persons who - as I was- are deciding on whether to purchase this service: I think the magic does work. For me, normally, payments take time, but this month has been super speedy.

I’m giving four stars because my intention needs more time to manifest. I’ll update with more reviews as I go along. All I can say is - if it feels right...get this candle.
Date Added: 02/23/2019