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(image for) Boss Fix Candle - Setting of Lights
Boss Fix Candle - Setting of Lights

Boss Fix Candle - Setting of Lights


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This is my third or fourth time ordering this candle for my mom's job in relation to the California shutdown's due to Covid. I've ordered it over the years whenever her job was going to be making cuts and she's managed to keep her job. She's an hourly employee and should've been furloughed during the first shutdown, but she wasn't because some salaried employees advocated for her and said that they needed her to stay on to assist with work. They mailed her work to do during the three months that she was at home. She was back for a few weeks before California shut down again. This time around, she's at home doing nothing. Her boss has only called her once. She reached out to him on Monday to say that she was going to use up one of her six remaining vacation time weeks starting next Monday. He told her that it was fine and that she was still on the payroll. They expect her to go back to work after labor day unless the governor extends the shut down. I'll be ordering a new candle at some point in the next few weeks, but I can honestly say that it has worked for my mom's particular situation.
Date Added: 08/06/2020