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(image for) Yemayá Candle - Setting of Lights
Yemayá Candle - Setting of Lights

Yemayá Candle - Setting of Lights


Date Added: 03/05/2021 by C M
A generic image
Maferefun Yemaya, thank you for hearing my begging. For being compassionate with me. I am in a...

Date Added: 08/21/2020 by C T
A generic image
Beautiful and mother Yemaya, thank you for the peace and fleury you've gave me. My candle reading...

Date Added: 05/09/2020 by C M
A generic image
Maferefun Yemaya. Thank you for talking to me, thank you for bringing helpful persons to my...

Date Added: 06/19/2018 by K P
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Beautiful Yemaya and the Dr. E team have really helped me. This candle is one I love. Two...

Date Added: 10/06/2015 by C M
A generic image
Absolutely love Dr. E. setting of lights. I feel a great connection to Yemaya and Dr. E is a real...