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(image for) Success and Eloquence Candle - Setting of Lights
Success and Eloquence Candle - Setting of Lights

Success and Eloquence Candle - Setting of Lights


Date Added: 12/10/2015 by A J
A generic image
Once this candle was lit, I felt the effects of it and saw improvements in how I approached my...

Date Added: 10/02/2015 by m m
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I purchased this candle over 1 week ago and asked for some success in passing my real estate exam I...

Date Added: 09/01/2015 by J S
A generic image
This candle is still burning but I already feel the effects. I have been speaking more eloquently...

Date Added: 04/24/2015 by A P
A generic image
I had two of these candles lit on my behalf for inspections I had last week. I really liked how...

Date Added: 02/12/2013 by k r
A generic image
What can I say those detailed reports don't lie! In my oppinion it's the BEST part and like non...