Money Draw Candle - Setting of Lights


Date Added: 03/12/2021 by L B
Candle was lit on February 19th and I had come into $12k, yes, $12,000 by the end of the candle burn

Date Added: 01/08/2021 by L B
I got my candle report back and it said it was an unsuccessful burn because the image in the bottom

Date Added: 08/19/2020 by L M
I have had this candle lit a few times over the past couple of weeks. I've had this one along with

Date Added: 08/06/2020 by c s
My friend ordered this candle on my behalf. I'm fully employed but lost my side consulting work due

Date Added: 05/28/2020 by R K
I order this candle periodically to help my small business. But it's especially important during the

Date Added: 05/25/2020 by g h
Hello - I ordered this candle to ensure I received a stimulus check. The feedback mentioned there wo

Date Added: 04/30/2020 by M R
I had an unexpected amount of money come to me with this candle. Amazing service and its helped mone

Date Added: 04/24/2020 by L B
I have been a happy customer since 2013. Out of all the products, this candle is one of the best can

Date Added: 01/03/2020 by A S
This candle worked so quickly. I order it on Dec 10, 2019 by Dec 18th I was receiving holiday gifts

Date Added: 02/23/2019 by J G
This was the first ever candle I bought. All I can say is that this month I brought in one years liv