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(image for) Good Job Mojo Bag
Good Job Mojo Bag

Good Job Mojo Bag


Good Job Mojo Bag uses the power of gravel root and salt to effectively draw steady, well-paying employment into your life. A Good Job Mojo Bag is the perfect item to carry when you are looking for a new job, or when you want to secure an existing job in the face of work place difficulty or layoffs.


Good Job Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Get a new job
  • Secure your existing employment
  • Draw steady customers into your business

Good Job Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Good Job Mojo Bag when looking through job listings or when you go on a job interview so that you are more likely to find a good paying, steady job, and be selected over other candidates for the job. Keep a Good Job Mojo Bag in your pocket or purse while you are at work to secure your existing job and make sure you do not get laid off when cutbacks are taking place in the workplace.

For suggested job spells, read how Dr. E. used a Good Job Mojo Bag to get his client a promotion at his work.

Good Job Mojo Bag is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Good Job Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Good Job Hoodoo Supplies and Good Job Spells.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 7

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.