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(image for) STFU! Oil



Stop ugly gossipers in their tracks with STFU! Oil's powerful blend of slippery elm, agrimony and other herbs effective at shutting people up. STFU! Oil is perfect for stopping gossip, preventing others from speaking ill about your, or stopping someone from communicating plans against you.

STFU! Oil Uses:

  • Stop gossip or libel against you
  • Make liars' words turn against them
  • Protect you from the schemes and plots of gossipers

STFU! (Stop Gossip) Spell Ideas:

Is someone speaking ill about you in the work place? Dress their keyboard or phone with STFU! Oil. When they touch the keyboard or phone your magic will affect them and make them stop talking about you. Put a few drops of STFU! Oil in the laundry to get family members to stop talking your business. Take a black skull candle, carve open its mouth and stuff it with slippery elm. Wind black thread around the head and its mouth to "gag" it. Dress the black skull candle in STFU! Oil and burn it on top of photos of your enemy to turn their evil lies about you back against them.

For more Stop Gossip spell ideas, visit Dr. E.'s Conjure Blog where he covers several different spells designed to stop evil liars and gossipers in their tracks.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 2

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.