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(image for) Black Arts Mojo Bag
Black Arts Mojo Bag

Black Arts Mojo Bag


Keep yourself protected from curses, hexes or evil spirits while at the same time returning harmful influences back at your enemy (and with interest to boot). This Black Arts Mojo Bag harnesses the power of red chili, sulfur and other herbs to control and protect against evil spirits, jinxing and crossing your enemy while driving them away. This Mojo works best with a focused intent upon a single specific target that you should name in your petition.


Black Arts Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Protection from curses, hexes and evil spirits
  • Control jinxes and spirits
  • Drive away enemies

Black Arts Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Black Arts Mojo Bag with you to protect against evil influences while affecting your target. Place a Black Arts Mojo Bag in a hidden place where it won't be discovered such as in your desk at work to continually affect your target.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 20 October, 2014.