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(image for) Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo Candle (9 inches)
Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo Candle (9 inches)

Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo Candle (9 inches)


Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo candles are typically used for peace, tranquility, psychic power and healing spells. Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo candles are perfect for use in rootwork spells to place around larger candles (like figural candles or vigil candles) as magical support candles, or for burning on top of jar spells.

Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo Candle Uses:

  • Peaceful home spells
  • Tranquility spells
  • Psychic power spells
  • Healing spells

Blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo Candle Spell Ideas:

Burn blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo candles dressed with Blessing Oil in your home to promote a peaceful and blessed environment. Burn blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo candles on top of a jar spell you are working for reconciliation to cool things off and gain peace between you and your estranged lover. Burn blue Hoodoo Rootwork Jumbo candles dressed in Indian Spirit Guide Oil and Justice Oil in front of an image of Black Hawk to call for his assistance when you've suffered an injustice.

Don't forget to check out our affordable, glass, Jumbo candle holders that perfectly hold our Jumbo candles for use in spells.

Jumbo Candles are 9 inches tall by 1.5 inches across in dimension and will typically burn for between 9 to 24 hours.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 13 August, 2014.