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Good Job Powder

Good Job Powder


Good Job Powder gets its power from benzoin and gravel root along with other herbs used for employment, success and money. Good Job Powder is used to help you get a great new job, or to secure a job you already have if you think you might be in danger of losing it. Good Job Powder can also be used to draw steady clients if you are a business owner.

Good Job Powder Uses:

  • Get a new job
  • Secure your existing employment
  • Draw steady customers into your business

Good Job Powder Spell Ideas:

Dust your business cards with Good Job Powder if you are a business owner. It will draw in steady clients that are willing to pay for your products or services. Dust the back of your resume or job application with Good Job Powder to make you stand out in a field of competitors. Sprinkle a pinch of Good Job Powder in the four corners of your cubicle at work to protect your job when your job is at risk. You can also dress a green candle with Good Job Oil and Good Job Powder, place it in a candle holder and burn it on a plate on top of your resume or job application to charge it with the power of your spell.

For other hoodoo job spells, visit the Conjure Blog where Dr. E. posts spell ideas and guidance on how to use his products.

Good Job Powder is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Good Job Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Good Job Hoodoo Supplies and Good Job Spells.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 19 July, 2013.