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Women's Power Powder

Women's Power Powder


"I am woman, hear me roar!" Women's Power Powder blends angelica root, rosemary, and other herbs to boost a woman's personal power. Originally formulated to help ladies recover from abusive relationships, Women's Power Powder will also help a woman to boost her sense of self confidence, increase her influence over others, and restore her nature.

Women's Power Powder Uses:

  • Boost women's power
  • Restore a woman's self-confidence
  • Command respect from others

Women's Power Powder Spell Ideas:

Sprinkle Women's Power Powder in the four corners of every room of your house so that you can wield the power in your home and dominate over your husband. Dust documents with Women's Power Powder before you distribute them to your coworkers if you find they don't respect you as a woman in charge. The Women's Power Powder will get in their hands when they touch the documents and they will be compelled to respect you and do as you command. You can also sprinkle Women's Power Powder on purple candles that have been dressed with Women's Power Oil, then burn them on top of a photo of you in order to imbue you with the strength, sensitivity and commanding authority of a woman in command.

For more ideas on personal power spells, visit the Conjure Blog where Dr. E. posts spell ideas and guidance on how to use his products.

Women's Power Powder is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Women's Power Products. Learn more about Women's Power Products and read other spell ideas on the Women's Power Products Page.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 July, 2013.