Ochosi Candles petition the orisha Ochosi (Oxosi) for his protection, blessings, and favor. He is an amazing hunter whose arrow never misses its mark. He is the force of justice and deeply ethical in his behavior; petition him when you've been the victim of injustice but make sure you're on the right side of the law. We will dress, bless and burn an Ochosi Candle on your behalf. When your candle has finished burning, you will be e-mailed a candle burn report detailing your candle's behavior with interpretation of any signs.
- Petition Ochosi for a favor
- Justice against enemies, false friends or slander
- Success with goals (hitting the mark)
In order for us to set your light for you, we'll need some additional information. Below you can write out your petition or desire for the candle. We will use this when we dress and pray over your candle. You have the option to upload a photo. We will attach your photo to your candle when we pray your petition over it. Accepted file types include: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png.
(If you plan on ordering several candles of the same type for different people add them one at a time to your cart so that each has its own petition and photo associated with it.)
For more questions,
read the Hoodoo Setting of Lights FAQs here.