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Success and Eloquence Powder (Crown of Success)

Success and Eloquence Powder (Crown of Success)


Bay and five-finger grass along with other roots and herbs work powerfully in Success and Eloquence Powder to crown you with success in all your efforts. Success and Eloquence Powder is Dr. E.'s version of the traditional hoodoo powder known as Crown of Success Powder. Powders are a great way to lay magical influences without others knowing.

Success and Eloquence Powder Uses:

  • Success with any project
  • Success with studies, school work or writing
  • Eloquence and clear communication

Success and Eloquence (Crown of Success) Spell Ideas:

Powder documents with Success and Eloquence Powder to have them accepted by a manager or professor. Lay pinches of Success and Eloquence (Crown of Success) Powder in your workplace to always succeed in your projects. Powder the back of a proposal with Success and Eloquence Powder to win a bid for a proposal - crowning you with great success!

For ideas and directions on how to use magical powders in spell work, read Dr. E.'s article on the Conjure Doctor Blog.

Success and Eloquence Powder is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Success and Eloquence Powder or other Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 1

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.