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Secure Finances Oil

Secure Finances Oil


Sassafras, bayberry and other money preserving herbs in Secure Finances Oil come together to put a stop to excessive spending and prevent unexpected expenses. Secure Finances Oil is perfect for curbing spending habits, reducing debt and getting your finances stabilized.

Secure Finances Oil Uses:

  • Curb spending and help with savings
  • Keep your bank account growing
  • Prevent unexpected expenses

Secure Finances Spell Ideas:

Pair Secure Finances Oil with Money Draw Oil on a lodestone to bring in the cash flow, and make it stay with you. Dress a green 7 knob candle with Secure Finances Oil and powder it with cinnamon. Burn one knob's length of the candle per day, and set whatever spare cash you have in your wallet next to the candle. On the seventh day, when you burn the last knob of the candle, take the money you have saved over the course of the week and use it for something important that leads to your financial succes (not on frivolous purchases). As you spend the money know that the money will return to you tenfold in the future.

Read about the Money Stay With Me Spell for protection against unexpected expenses and growing your prosperity, and a great example that uses Secure Finances Oil.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.