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War Water

War Water


War Water is traditionally used to cause misfortune, send violence and declare spiritual warfare on someone. War Water is made with cursing herbs and bits of iron, then left to rot and bottled in glass bottles. Traditionally, spiritual war is declared against an enemy by smashing a bottle of War Water on in their yard or on their doorstep, creating a huge mess of shattered glass and cursing substances that smells like swamp water.

War Water Uses:

  • Declare spiritual war
  • Create violence in your enemy's life
  • Causing misfortunes

War Water Ideas:

In Oakland, California, the most traditional way to use War Water is to smash a bottle on your enemy's doorstep, causing a huge mess of shattered glass and cursed water for them to clean up. Make sure you throw it hard against a concrete or tile floor so it breaks. You can also "drown" doll babies in War Water to afflict your target with disease, violence, misfortunes and obstacles in life. Or try filling a cursing jar spell with War Water, then swirling it daily to cause violence and confusion in your enemies.

ConjureDoctor.com carries Lucky Mojo Brand War Water in a glass bottle for your smashing convenience.

For more cursing ideas and ways to wage spiritual warfare, visit Dr. E.'s Conjure Blog - Hoodoo at its best!

Package size: 4 oz. glass bottle

  • Manufactured by: Lucky Mojo

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 24 May, 2013.