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(image for) Healing Mojo Bag
Healing Mojo Bag

Healing Mojo Bag


Support your body through healing process after sickness, injury or surgery with a Healing Mojo Bag. The healing power of eucalyptus, mint and other health-promoting herbs make Dr. E.'s Healing Mojo Bag an effective tool to help support your body through the healing process.*


Healing Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Promoting healthy energy
  • Recovering from surgery or injury
  • Supporting a healthy lifestyle

Healing Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Hang a Healing Mojo Bag from the headboard of a sick person's bed to help surround them with healing energy, and to support their body's recovery. Keep a Healing Mojo Bag in your desk at work when you're around a lot of sick people to help promote a healthy work environment. Carry a Healing Mojo Bag to help recover after surgery, or when undergoing physical therapy to get yourself back on your feet.

For other ideas on ways to use a Healing Mojo Bag, visit The Conjure Doctor Blog.

* Healing Mojo Bag is not a substitute for proper medical attention. Please consult your doctor for medical treatment.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 08 October, 2012.