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Special Oil no. 20

Special Oil no. 20


Anoint candles for Love, Luck, Money, Protection, Blessings and Personal Power with Special Oil No. 20. This 'all-purpose', handmade oil is blessed within traditional hoodoo practice and contains genuine herbal essential oils. Special Oil No. 20 traces back to a long-gone pharmacy in New Orleans. This special blend is useful as a candle dressing oil, to feed a Mojo Bag, anointing yourself, anointing good luck charms or as a general rootwork oil for specific magical workings. Use it straight from the bottle with no dilution or you can add your own herbs and ingredients. This blend is not condition specific and rootworkers value this oil for it's economical cost per ounce.

Special Oil No. 20 Uses:

  • Dress Candles for Love, luck, money and general blessings
  • Feed Mojo bags and anoint magical tools
  • A general Rootwork oil for magical workings


Visit Dr. E.'s Conjure Blog where we provide hoodoo spells and more.

Package size: 4 oz. glass bottle


  • Manufactured by: Lucky Mojo

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 17 May, 2015.