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Four Thieves Vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar


Four Thieves Vinegar is a traditional hoodoo recipe used for protection, to ward away natural and unnatural diseases, to drive away enemies, and to create dissent and violence in groups. Four Thieves Vinegar is primarily used to strengthen your own spirit and body against continual magical attack by drinking one teaspoon of it a day.

Four Thieves Vinegar Uses:

  • Fight against magical attacks
  • Fight against magical and physical disease
  • Drive away enemies
  • Foment arguments and dissent

Four Thieves Vinegar Ideas:

If you are under long-term magical attack, consume one teaspoon of Four Thieves Vinegar per day to strengthen your body and spirit against unnatural or natural illness. You can sprinkle it on your salad as a dressing, or you can mix it with some honey and take it like a daily tonic. To drive away your enemies, sprinkle it across their doorstep so they will cross over it as they enter their home, or you can sprinkle it on the tires of their car so they will drive out of town once and for all. You can also add a capful of Four Thieves Vinegar to a Fiery Wall of Protection Herb Bath to wash away magical attacks.

ConjureDoctor.com carries Lucky Mojo Brand Four Thieves Vinegar which is based off a recipe learned in the Ozark Mountains. It is made of real herbs and vinegar, so it is edible.

For more ways to fend off magical attack and keep you safe against unnatural disease, visit Dr. E.'s Conjure Blog - Hoodoo at its Best!

Package size: 4 oz. glass bottle

  • Manufactured by: Lucky Mojo

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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 25 May, 2013.