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Love Hoodoo Spray Mist

Love Hoodoo Spray Mist


Love Hoodoo Spray Mist contains Mama E.'s favorite essential oils for love, reconciliation, attraction, sex and passion. Draw true love, make a specific person love you, or reconcile with an ex. Attract friends, lovers or the attention of others. Stoke passion in a relationship or attract sexual partners. Use Mama E Love Hoodoo Spray Mist before going on a date, spritz your underwear to increase your sex appeal. Spray your home and your bedroom to improve romance. If you want to improve a romantic outcome, buy a bouquet of flowers and spray them with Love Spray Mist. Use Love Spray Mist when meeting a love interest to make him or her fall for you.

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 20 January, 2016.