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(image for) Blessing Hoodoo Spray Mist
Blessing Hoodoo Spray Mist

Blessing Hoodoo Spray Mist


Blessing Spray Mist contains Mama E.'s favorite essential oils for blessing, mastery, psychic power, or spirituality. Spray your house, your altar, or your work space with Blessing Spray Mist. Use Mama E Blessing Spray Mist to spritz a room, to clear away evil, and bless the space. Spray your altar to keep your objects blessed and powerful. You can repeat this anointing once a year on a sacred holiday to keep your objects blessed and powerful. Use it to spray your vehicle and keep it blessed. To help sell your house and make it more appealing to buyers, spray the doorknobs or doors of the house with Blessing Spray Mist. Not only will it fill the home with blessing energy making it comfortable and "homey" feeling, but it will also draw a wealthy buyer that has the financial backing to buy the home.

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 20 January, 2016.