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Success and Eloquence Herb Bath (Crown of Success)

Success and Eloquence Herb Bath (Crown of Success)


Be successful in your efforts and communicate eloquently with Success and Eloquence Herb Bath. Success and Eloquence Herb Bath is Dr. E. Products' version of Crown of Success, and contains traditional herbs for success like bay and five finger grass to maximum effect. Success and Eloquence Herb Bath is perfect for people who want to succeed with a particular project or goal, or for people who require eloquence in their field like students, lawyers or public speakers.

Success and Eloquence (Crown of Success) Herb Bath Uses:

  • Success in accomplishing goals or completing projects
  • Eloquent communication and excellence as a public speaker
  • Success with school tests, education or in having your proposals accepted

Success and Eloquence (Crown of Success) Herb Bath Spell Ideas:

Use Success and Eloquence Herb Bath to take a bath before you have to give a presentation, take a test or make some kind of public speech. It will help you be clear of mind, recall facts with ease and eloquent with your presentation. You can take a Success and Eloquence Herb Bath before performing any Crown of Success or Success and Eloquence spells. It will surround you with the energy of success, adding to your spell's power. Sprinkle the dried herb blend of Success and Eloquence Herb Bath around yellow candles dressed with Success and Eloquence Oil and burn them for the success of any projects or endeavors you are pursuing.

For more success spell ideas, visit the Conjure Blog and learn how to use Success and Eloquence Herb Bath in conjunction with other products for maximum effect.

Success and Eloquence Herb Bath is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Success and Eloquence Herb Bath or other Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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