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(image for) Blue Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle
Blue Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

Blue Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle


Use this Blue Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle to enhance your conjure work, rootwork as well as healing, peace and harmony spells. This Candle is created with several powerful conjure symbols: A Crucifix or Cross which is aflame, a bible in the center with two hands reaching out from the bible, two keys coming down the from the top of the candle. The symbols on this candle have some powerful imagery. The flaming cross representing the crucifixion of Jesus, The hands reaching out are the hands of god, opening roads and guiding you, The bible is a bit self explanatory and a common symbol of Knowledge and wisdom. The keys represent personal Mastery and opening and closing of doors and opportunities.

Blue Cross Candle Uses:

  • Healing and harmony
  • Self-tranquility spells
  • Peaceful Home spells

Blue Cross Candle Spell Ideas:

  • Manufactured by: Transcendent Candles

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 03 March, 2019.