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(image for) Holy Mojo Bag
Holy Mojo Bag

Holy Mojo Bag


Bring God's divine holy energies into your life with Our Holy Mojo Bag. This Mojo Hand has a blend of frankincense, benzoin and sacred spices, based on the biblical anointing oil described in the Old Testament.


Holy Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Draw in God's favor
  • Attract blessings of goodness and health
  • Bless a home with holy energy

Holy Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Holy Mojo Bag to aid you in your holy workings and summon the holy spirit to walk with you; healers such as nurses and doctors and people in positions of charitable organizations would benefit by inviting God's energy into your life to help you help others. Spiritual workers in negative environments such as a prison or funeral home would carry one of these to maintain yourself under the influence of God's divine presence with positivity and goodness around you. Try hiding a Holy Mojo Bag in places where you need God's helping hand to draw his energies.

For other spell ideas, visit Dr. E.'s The Conjure Blog where Dr. E. discusses the traditional uses of hoodoo and conjure products in spells.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 28 June, 2016.