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(image for) Vision Mojo Bag
Vision Mojo Bag

Vision Mojo Bag


Our Vision Mojo Bag combines the power of anise, mugwort and other psychic enhancing herbs to engage the second-sight. A Vision Mojo Bag is the perfect magical charm to carry when performing psychic readings, clairvoyant readings or working to enhance your ability to communicate with spirits.


Vision Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Boost psychic abilities
  • Enhance powers of perception
  • Encourage psychic dreams

Vision Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Vision Mojo Bag in your pocket when performing psychic vision work, clairvoyant readings or attempting to communicate with spirits of the dead. The Vision Mojo Bag will enhance your natural abilities and make the messages you receive clearer and stronger. You can also place a Vision Mojo Bag under your pillow when you sleep to evoke predictive dreams. Keep a Vision Mojo Bag with any divination tools you use to enhance their ability to communicate with the other side.

For more ideas on psychic power spells, visit the Conjure Blog where Dr. E. posts spell ideas and guidance on how to use our products.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.