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(image for) Uncrossing Mojo Bag
Uncrossing Mojo Bag

Uncrossing Mojo Bag


Hyssop, a broken chain and many of the most powerful uncrossing herbs are included in our Uncrossing Mojo Bag to remove all evil and crossed conditions from your life. Uncrossing Mojo Bath is the right solution to shatter any curse, uncross your life and remove any jinxes or evil eye.


Uncrossing Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Remove curses, jinxes and crossings
  • Continually surround yourself with cleansing energy
  • Drive away the evil eye and dark spirits

Uncrossing Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry an Uncrossing Mojo Bag for long-lasting cleansing effects to remove curses or when working in negative environments. The Uncrossing Mojo Bag will keep you clean of any nasty curses, evil spirits or dark energies.

For more uncrossing hoodoo spells and cleansing hoodoo spell ideas, visit Dr. E,'s Conjure Blog where he shares many ways to break curses, remove jinxes and uncross your life.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 11 November, 2013.