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Evil BEGONE! Powder

Evil BEGONE! Powder


Eucalyptus and other cleansing herbs add their power to Evil BEGONE! Powder. Evil BEGONE! Powder is useful for driving away negative influences, conquering bad habits or for dismantling a nasty trick someone laid in your tracks. Evil BEGONE! Powder is the perfect tool for breaking addictions and bad habits too.

Evil BEGONE! Powder Uses:

  • Counteract curses and harmful tricks
  • Neutralize harmful powders or items that have been laid in your tracks
  • Conquer negative habits, addictions and influences

Evil BEGONE! Spell Ideas:

Powders are a great way to lay magical influences without others knowing. Sprinkle Evil BEGONE! Powder on top of nasty tricks someone laid down at your doorstep to neutralize them. Dust your own body with Evil BEGONE! Powder when working on conquering bad habits like smoking, drinking addiction. or nail biting. Put pinches of Evil BEGONE! Powder in the corners of your home to prevent curses from entering it.

For ideas and directions on how to use magical powders in spell work, read Dr. E.'s article on the Conjure Doctor Blog.

Evil BEGONE! Powder is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Evil BEGONE! Products. Learn more about Evil BEGONE! Powder and read other spell ideas on the Evil BEGONE! Hoodoo Products Page.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 1

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.