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Uncrossing Powder

Uncrossing Powder


Uncrossing Powder is made with angelica root, hyssop and other powerful cleansing and unjinxing ingredients. Uncrossing Powder is perfect for removing any curse, unraveling jinxes, uncrossing yourself, removing the evil eye, removing evil spirits, cleansing away demonic entities or any negative energy that has been sent at you, or that you may have picked up.

Uncrossing Powder Uses:

  • Remove curses and break jinxes
  • Cleansing negativity
  • Driving away evil

Uncrossing Powder Spell Ideas:

If you find a questionable dust or powder sprinkled on your doorstep, front door or around your car's driver-side door, sprinkle Uncrossing Powder on top of it to neutralize any cursing powders before cleaning it up. You can also dress black/white double action candles with Uncrossing Oil and Uncrossing Powder, then burning them in a candle holder on top of a photo of you to remove any curses or evil entities from your spirit. Uncrossing Powder can be sprinkled in shapes around burning candles used in cleansing and uncrossing rituals. Dust Uncrossing Powder on your feet if you are worried about stepping across Hot Foot Powder or any other cursing powders. Uncrossing Powder will protect you from the crossing powders.

For ideas and directions on how to use magical powders in spell work, read Dr. E.'s articles on Hoodoo Sachet Powders on the Conjure Blog.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 1

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 19 July, 2013.