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Inflammatory Confusion Oil

Inflammatory Confusion Oil


Guinea peppers, hot chilis, poppy seeds and other powerful herbs come together in Inflammatory Confusion Oil to stir up mass confusion, arguments and fights between people. Use Inflammatory Confusion Oil to get someone to lose their cool and start a screaming match in inappropriate places, to get people to argue and fight, or to make your enemy so enraged that he loses all control.

Inflammatory Confusion Oil Uses:

  • Confuse your enemies to the point of violence
  • Cause fights, arguments and huge blow ups
  • Make a couple break out in violent arguments until they separate from one another

Inflammatory Confusion Spell Ideas:

Take a photo of a couple you wish to break up and rip it in half to separate the two people. Place some Inflammatory Confusion Oil on the faces of the photos and place the two photos back to back. Cut a lemon in half lengthwise and place the photos inside the lemon. Dress the lemon with Inflammatory Confusion Oil and use 9 pins to hold it shut. Wrap black thread around the lemon while cursing the couple to confuse their words, break out in fights and flare in anger until they separate from one another. Let the lemon dry on your window sill until it shrivels up. So shall their love for one another be soured and dried up. Dispose of the lemon once it has dried by hiding it in a hole of a tree where no one will find it. Make sure to perform a cleansing bath with Uncrossing Herb Bath after using this oil in your conjure work. You don't want this chaotic energy spilling over into your personal life!

For Inflammatory Confusion spell ideas, visit The Conjure Blog!

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 2

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 12 January, 2010.