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Follow Me Boy Oil

Follow Me Boy Oil


Follow Me Boy Oil is a powerful, controlling, love blend will keep your man in love with you and under your thumb. Calamus, Queen Elizabeth Root and other love and domination herbs lend their power to Follow Me Boy Oil; a traditional hoodoo blend used in controlling love spells.

Follow Me Boy Oil Uses:

  • Dominate your boyfriend or husband
  • Keep your man faithful and under your control

Follow Me Boy Spell Ideas:

Follow Me Boy Oil can be used in spells to keep your man from wandering around or cheating on you, and is traditionally used to feed Nation Sacks (a type of mojo bag carried by women to control their men, and keep the upper hand in the relationship). Put a few drops in your man's shampoo, or in his laundry as a sneaky trick to keep him affected by your magic. Dress a purple candle with this oil, add in a pinch of calamus root, queen elizabeth root and a few drops of your urine. Burn it down over a photo of your man to keep him subservient to you.

For more ideas on controlling love spells, visit the Conjure Blog where Dr. E. post spell ideas and guidance on how to use his products.

Follow Me Boy Oil is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Follow Me Boy Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Follow Me Boy Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 2

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 20 October, 2009.