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(image for) Come to Me Mojo Bag
Come to Me Mojo Bag

Come to Me Mojo Bag


Make your lover come be by your side with Dr. E. Products' Come to Me Mojo Bag. Rose, bergamot and orange blossom and a lodestone give Come to Me Mojo Bag its power to force your lover come to you and love you. This mojo bag works regardless of your gender or your love interest's gender. This Mojo works best with a focused intent upon a single specific target that you should name in your petition.


Come To Me Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Make your lover come to you
  • Draw affection and love
  • Coerce a lover to stay by your side

Come To Me Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Come To Me Mojo Bag to make the person you find attractive come to you, spend time with you and fall in love with you. Place a Come To Me Mojo Bag in your purse when you go on a first date with someone you really like to draw their affections and make them come back for a second date.

Come To Me Mojo Bag is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Come To Me Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Come To Me Mojo Bag or other Come To Me Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

For more ideas on drawing love spells, visit the Conjure Blog where Dr. E. post spell ideas and guidance on how to use his products.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 03 January, 2013.