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Uncrossing Oil

Uncrossing Oil


Thirteen uncrossing herbs including hyssop, angelica and even a piece of broken chain come together in this traditional Uncrossing Oil hoodoo blend. Uncrossing Oil can be used to shatter any jinx, curse of hex that has been thrown at you, returning you to a neutral and energetically balanced state.

Uncrossing Oil Uses:

  • Remove curses and break jinxes
  • Cleansing negativity
  • Driving away evil

Uncrossing Spell Ideas:

Use Uncrossing Oil on double-action black/white jumbo candles to absorb any negativity and destroy evil curses. Add Uncrossing Oil to a magical bath to remove negativity from your aura, or pour it upon any powders scattered in your path that may be cursing, hot foot or other powders. Uncrossing Oil will neutralize those evil powders so that you can safely clean them up.

For more ways to use Uncrossing Oil, read A Powerful Uncrossing Spell to Remove Spirits by Dr. E. on The Conjure Blog.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.