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Peace Water

Peace Water


Peace Water is used to create a peaceful environment in the home and to invite good spirits into a space. Peace Water is great to use by sprinkling it in the corners if there has been a lot of conflict, disruption or sickness in your home. Peace Water's distinctive sweet smell will fill your home with calming and soothing energy.

Peace Water Uses:

  • Create a peaceful home
  • Draw good spirits
  • Soothe chaotic energy

Peace Water Ideas:

If your home has been attacked with War Water, clean it well using Chinese Wash, then finish off your cleansing by sprinkling Peace Water in the corners of your home and across its threshold. This will eradicate the chaotic energy of War Water and invite in the pleasing and soothing energy of helpful protective spirits. You can also add Peace Water to a spray bottle and use it to spray down a room if there has been a sick patient in it. It will help combat the dark energy of long-term sickness.

ConjureDoctor.com carries Lucky Mojo Brand Peace Water which naturally separates into two layers of clear and light blue liquid. Shake your bottle of Peace Water well before using it.

For other peaceful home spell ideas, visit Dr. E.'s Conjure Blog.

Package size: 4 oz. glass bottle

  • Manufactured by: Lucky Mojo

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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 25 May, 2013.