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(image for) Prosperous House Blessing Oil
Prosperous House Blessing Oil

Prosperous House Blessing Oil


Bless your home with prosperity using Prosperous House Blessing's delightful blend of cinnamon, basil, rosemary and other blessing and money drawing herbs. Prosperous House Blessing Oil is great for keeping a happy home, or for making your home attractive to potential buyers!

Prosperous House Blessing Oil Uses:

  • Blessing the home and drawing prosperity
  • Making a property attractive to potential wealthy buyers

Prosperous House Blessing Spell Ideas:

Anoint the four corners and the center of every room in the house with Prosperous House Blessing Oil to bring peace and money to your home. Try adding a few drops of Prosperous House Blessing Oil to your household cleaning products and cleaning the home to keep the prosperity rolling in, or before presenting the house to potential buyers.

For more ways you can use Prosperous House Blessing Oil, read Dr. E.'s article on Protecting Yourself From Unexpected Expenses.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 04 August, 2009.