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Secure Finances Mojo Bag

Secure Finances Mojo Bag


Sassafras, bayberry and other money saving herbs make our Secure Finances Mojo Bag prevent unexpected expenses, help you pay down your debt and increase your finances. A Secure Finances Mojo Bag is a great tool to stabilize your finances by reducing your debt, reducing spending, drawing more money into your life and preventing unnecessary expenses when "life happens".


Secure Finances Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Curb spending and help with savings
  • Keep your bank account growing
  • Prevent unexpected expenses

Secure Finances Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Secure Finances Mojo Bag when you are trying to get your finances back in order. A Secure Finances Mojo Bag will help you pay down your debt and also draw in more money, while making sure you don't spend beyond your limits. Keep a Secure Finances Mojo Bag in your store's cash register when you're weathering difficult months to draw in more customers and reduce your expenses. For a magical savings account, place a Secure Finances Mojo Bag in a wooden box and at the end of each week, take whatever spare folding cash you have in your wallet and place it inside the box. Use this to save for big purchases like a television or a downpayment on a car, and don't remove any money until you have saved the entire amount you need for your purchase.

Learn ways to eliminate your debt and other money stay with me spells on The Conjure Doctor Blog, where Dr. E. shares spell ideas and ways to use hoodoo products in your own rootwork.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 22 July, 2013.