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(image for) STFU! Mojo Bag
STFU! Mojo Bag

STFU! Mojo Bag


Stop people from gossiping about you and turn their words against them with a STFU! Mojo Bag. With the power of slippery elm and devil's shoestring, our STFU! Mojo Bag is a powerful tool against gossipers and people spreading lies about you.


STFU! Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Stop gossipers
  • Stop people from spreading lies about you
  • Turn your enemies' lies back at them

STFU! Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a STFU! Mojo Bag if you work in an office where lots of people talk about your business. The STFU! Mojo Bag will stop their gossip and turn their lies back against them. You can also keep a STFU! Mojo Bag in the bottom of your pencil cup on your desk if you are surrounded with gossipers at work. Your enemies will taste the bitterness of their own lies when everyone finds out just how horrible they are.

For more stop gossip spell ideas Visit the Conjure Blog, where Dr. E. shares his favorite ways to use his products in rootwork.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 26 November, 2013.