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(image for) Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag
Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag

Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag


Uncross your love life and open your heart to new love with this powerful Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag. The Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag includes hyssop for effective emotional uncrossing, and lavender for self-love. This mojo bag acts like a personal magical ally to help you release any resentments or remorse from past relationships, and restore your sense of being worthy of love.


Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag Uses:

  • Release anger, resentment and regrets from past relationships
  • Restore your sense of self-love
  • Help you accept love in preparation for a new relationship

Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag Spell Ideas:

Carry a Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag to help you release any bad feelings from past relationship break ups so that you'll be in a more receptive place for future love relationships. Cleanse your heart and remember your self-worth by sleeping with a Love Uncrossing Mojo Bag under your pillow every night.

For more Love Uncrossing Spell Ideas, visit Dr. E.'s The Conjure Blog, where Dr. E. discusses ways to cleanse your heart of remorse, and open your life to receiving the love of others once again.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 25 November, 2013.