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Cut Away Powder

Cut Away Powder


Lemon and other effective clearing herbs in Cut Away Powder help you cut away your past relationship, clear your mind and heart, and move forward with your life. Use Cut Away Powder as a magical tool after a break up to let go of your emotional ties.

Cut Away Powder Uses:

  • Cut emotional ties to a former friend of lover
  • Clear attachments to past exes

Cut Away Spell Ideas:

Cut Away Powder can be used to cut emotional ties to a former lover. Take a photo of your ex and a photo of yourself. Cut a lemon in half and place the two photos back to back inside the lemon. Tie the lemon around with twine. Roll the lemon on Cut Away Powder, while focusing on releasing this person from your life saying, “I cut ties with you and all the negativity you brought into my life. “I release you (person’s name). Your fate leads you elsewhere, far away from here and out of my life. I cut ties with you. You no longer are a part of my life and I deliver you into the hands of God. May He do with you as He sees fit. Take the lemon and throw it on a river running out of town. If you need a stronger spell, refer to Dr. E.'s Cut Away Spell. Read about this powerful, personal hoodoo spell used to get over a past break up, on The Conjure Blog.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 29 April, 2015.