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True Love Powder

True Love Powder


Rose, patchouli and other powerful romance and love herbs make True Love Powder perfect for finding your true love. True Love Powder is great for drawing a perfect match, your ideal mate, for a long-term and happy relationship into your life. True Love Powder is not for making a specific person fall for you, it's for calling the perfect match that God intended for you to come into your life.

True Love Powder Uses:

  • Call your ideal mate to your life
  • Find lasting true love
  • Draw a husband or wife

True Love Powder Spell Ideas:

Get a red figural candle of the gender you seek for a relationship. Carve your name into one side of the candle and on the other side carve "I find true love!" Dress the candle with True Love Oil, powder it with True Love Powder, and set it on a plate. Write a petition paper with all of the qualities you seek in an ideal mate, getting as specific as possible, but not naming a specific person. Dress the paper with a pinch of True Love Powder and fold it in half toward you three times, rotating it 1/4 turn clockwise between each turn. Place this paper under the plate, and sprinkle True Love Powder in a heart shape around the plate. Light the candle and pray the Song of Solomon from the bible as you call to your true love to come into your life. When the candle is done burning, gather up any candle remnants, powder and the petition paper, and make a small bundle by wrapping it up in brown paper or a red flannel bag. Bury this near your front door so that your true love will come into your life and into your home.

For more ideas on how to use magical powders in spell work, read Dr. E.'s article on the Conjure Doctor Blog.

Package size: Approximately 1 oz.

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 04 December, 2013.