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9 Herb Bath

9 Herb Bath


9 Herb Bath includes master root, bay, rosemary and other herbs for personal power and strength, to create one of Dr. E.'s most powerful baths for personal wisdom. 9 Herb Bath is great for increasing wisdom, clarity of mind, strength, spiritual energy, gaining respect on the job, influencing people and warding off and protection against evil.

9 Herb Bath Uses:

  • Gaining respect from your employer
  • Protect against bad influences
  • increase wisdom and personal strength of mind

9 Herb Bath Spell Ideas:

Perform nine baths over nine days in a row to increase clarity of mind, wisdom and influence over other people. Pray Solomon's Prayer (2nd Chronicles 1:10-12) while thinking of how your personal power, respect, wisdom and clarity of mind will increase. Take a course of 9 daily baths using 9 Herb Bath prior to an interview or event requiring personal power and confidence for best results. You can also use 9 Herb Bath as a sprinkle to encircle any candles you burn for your own confidence. Also see our Mastery Herb Bath for needs pertaining to learning skills, personal discipline and spiritual power.

Learn how to effectively perform magical baths - step by step - at the Conjure Doctor Blog!

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 30 July, 2014.