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Hot Fucker Oil

Hot Fucker Oil


Hot Fucker Oil is an aphrodisiac blend of patchouli and citrus intended to get you a sexy lover for the night. Don't plan on finding your future husband or wife with Hot Fucker Oil (see True Love Oil for that), but you'll definitely find the right one to warm your bed that night. Hot Fucker Oil is also useful for bringing the passion into a relationship that has been relatively sexless.

Hot Fucker Oil Uses:

  • Attract sex partners
  • Stir up passion in others
  • Increase sex appeal

Hot Fucker Spell Ideas:

Dress a red penis candle (to draw a man) or a red vulva candle (to draw a woman) with Hot Fucker Oil and burn it before the weekend with the intention of finding a hot mate when you go out on the town Friday night. Wear a dab of Hot Fucker Oil behind each ear before going out to find a hot mate for the evening. (Test Hot Fucker Oil on your inner arm before using large quantities of it. We use natural oils and plant products and some can cause a skin reaction if you are sensitive. Never use oils on private parts or mucous membranes.)

For more ideas on how to get the sex back into your relationship, visit the Conjure Blog!

Hot Fucker Oil is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Hot Fucker Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Hot Fucker Oil or other Hot Fucker Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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Current Reviews: 15

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.