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Success and Eloquence Oil (Crown of Success)

Success and Eloquence Oil (Crown of Success)


Bay, bergamot and other herbs that promote success lend their power to Success and Eloquence Oil. Success and Eloquence Oil is Dr. E.'s version of the traditional hoodoo Crown of Success Oil. Designed to promote strength of mind, powerful will and an eloquent tongue, Success and Eloquence oil is perfect for writers, students, litigators, public speakers or anyone seeking success in their goals.

Success and Eloquence Oil Uses:

  • Success with any project
  • Success with studies, school work or writing
  • Eloquence and clear communication

Success and Eloquence (Crown of Success) Spell Ideas:

Use Success and Eloquence Oil to anoint the brow and the forehead prior to any school work or writing to successfully and eloquently communicate with others and retain the information you are learning. Carve your name into a white skull candle, dress it with Success and Eloquence Oil and powder it with Success and Eloquence Powder. Place it on a white saucer on top of your photo and ring it with bay laurel leaves. Burn this candle for success in your endeavors, the power to learn, and speak with great eloquence.

For a sample spell that uses Success and Eloquence oil, read about Dr. E.'s candle spell he performed to get a home for himself!

Success and Eloquence Oil is part of Dr. E. Products' line of Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Products. Follow this link to learn more about Success and Eloquence Oil or other Success and Eloquence Hoodoo Supplies and Spells.

Bottle size: 1/2 ounce

  • Manufactured by: Dr. E. Products

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 June, 2009.