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Protection & Cleaning Products

Have you been jinxed, or has someone thrown cursing powders in your tracks? Maybe someone is hitting you with the evil eye and making your life miserable? With Dr. E. Product's Protection and Cleansing products you can uncross any trick that's been laid for you and keep yourself protected from evil. ConjureDoctor.com offers a complete line of hoodoo Protection and Cleaning Products including condition oils, hoodoo sachet powders, cleansing herb baths, protective mojo bags and uncrossing hoodoo spell kits. Drive evil away, uncross any crossed condition, keep your enemies at bay and shut up those who would seek to harm you; Dr. E. Products can help you with any protection or cleansing needs you might have.
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(image for) Large Reversing Skull Candle (3")

Large Reversing Skull Candle (3")

Reversing Skull Candles return evil, jinxes, witchcraft and negative energy back to the person who sent them to you, giving them a taste of their own medicine! This is an effective way to let them be...

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(image for) Large Skull Candle (3")

Large Skull Candle (3")

Large Skull Candles are one of our favorites for hoodoo candle spells and are a very versatile choice for spellwork across many practices. Large Skull Candles are used similarly to poppets or baby...

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(image for) Large Uncrossing Skull Candle (3")

Large Uncrossing Skull Candle (3")

Our Large Uncrossing Skull Candle is a powerful way to remove curses, shatter jinxes, uncross yourself of afflictions and remove any kind of evil or negative spirits from your life. This Uncrossing...

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(image for) Small Reversing Skull Candle (2")

Small Reversing Skull Candle (2")

Small Reversing Skull Candles are used as support candles, intending to return evil, curses, dark spirits and negative energy back to the person who sent them to you. This is an effective way to let...

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(image for) Black Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

Black Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

Use this Black Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle to enhance your conjure work, rootwork and cursing spells. This Candle is created with several powerful conjure symbols: A Crucifix or Cross which is...

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(image for) Dr. E Brand Chinese Wash

Dr. E Brand Chinese Wash

Our Doctor E Products Brand Chinese Wash Chinese Wash is a time-honored, traditional blend used to clear away evil, purify the home and draw in blessed energy. Chinese Wash can be used to mop the...

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(image for) White Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

White Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

White Cross Hoodoo Rootwork Candle

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(image for) 13 Herb Bath

13 Herb Bath

13 Herb Bath includes angelica, hyssop, agrimony and other powerfully cleansing herbs, to create one of Dr. E.'s most powerful spiritual cleaning baths. 13 Herb Bath is great for removing negative...

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(image for) 7 Herb Bath

7 Herb Bath

Change your luck for the better with Dr. E.'s 7 Herb Bath. Chamomile, bayberry, red clover and other herbs combine powers to draw luck, wealth and love into your life. Take seven baths for seven days...

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(image for) Chinese Wash

Chinese Wash

Chinese Wash is a time-honored, traditional blend used to clear away evil, purify the home and draw in blessed energy. Chinese Wash can be used to mop the floors of your home to remove any evil...

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(image for) Cleaning Candle Dressing Herb Blend

Cleaning Candle Dressing Herb Blend

Cleaning Candle Dressing Herb Blend contains Dr. E.'s favorite herbs and roots for cleansing, uncrossing, purification, and road opener spells. Cleaning Candle Dressing Herb Blend is designed for...

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(image for) Cleaning Hoodoo Spray Mist

Cleaning Hoodoo Spray Mist

Cleaning Hoodoo Spray Mist contains Mama E.'s favorite essential oils for cleansing, uncrossing, purification, and road opener spells. Uncross any curses, remove jinxes and clean away any...

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(image for) Court Case Mojo Bag

Court Case Mojo Bag

Our Court Case Mojo Bag contains a blend of sage, court case root and other herbs designed to put you in a position of advantage when dealing with the court. This blend will confuse your opponent’s...

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(image for) Court Case Oil

Court Case Oil

Court Cae Oil blends together sage, little john to chew and other herbs designed to put you in a position of advantage when dealing with the court. Court Case Oil will confuse your opponent’s...

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(image for) Court Case Powder

Court Case Powder

Little john to chew and other justice herbs join forces in Court Case Powder. Court Case Powder is designed to help you gain the favor of the courts and have them rule in your favor. Court Case...

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(image for) Cut Away Herb Bath

Cut Away Herb Bath

Lemon and other effective clearing herbs in Cut Away Herb Bath help you cut away your past relationship, clear your mind and heart, and move forward with your life. Use Cut Away Herb Bath as a...

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(image for) Cut Away Mojo Bag

Cut Away Mojo Bag

Need to cut emotional ties to past experiences or past relationships? Our Cut Away Mojo bag harnesses the power of Lemon peel and other hoodoo herbs to help you cut away these things that no longer...

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(image for) Cut Away Oil

Cut Away Oil

Cut away the emotional ties from your past relationships with Dr. E.'s Cut Away Oil. Cut Away Oil incorporates lemon and other effective herbs to sever your ties to the past, free your heart of...

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(image for) Evil BEGONE! Herb Bath

Evil BEGONE! Herb Bath

Eucalyptus and other cleansing herbs give their power to Evil BEGONE! Herb Bath. Evil BEGONE! Herb Bath (Dr. E.'s version of Run Devil Run) is great for driving away dark influences, conquering bad...

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(image for) Evil BEGONE! Mojo Bag

Evil BEGONE! Mojo Bag

Drive evil influences away and overcome bad habits with an Evil BEGONE! Mojo Bag. Evil BEGONE Mojo Bag (Dr. E.'s version of Run Devil Run) includes forceful cleansing herbs like eucalyptus reputed...

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(image for) Evil BEGONE! Oil

Evil BEGONE! Oil

Eucalyptus and other cleansing herbs give Evil BEGONE! Oil its powerful ability to chase evil away. Evil BEGONE! Oil (Dr. E.'s version of Run Devil Run) is great for driving away evil influences,...

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(image for) Evil BEGONE! Powder

Evil BEGONE! Powder

Eucalyptus and other cleansing herbs add their power to Evil BEGONE! Powder. Evil BEGONE! Powder is useful for driving away negative influences, conquering bad habits or for dismantling a nasty trick...

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(image for) Fiery Wall of Protection Herb Bath

Fiery Wall of Protection Herb Bath

Protect yourself from any evil influences or harmful actions with Fiery Wall of Protection Herb Bath. Fiery Wall of Protection Herb Bath contains natural botanicals including bay, angelica, and...

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(image for) Fiery Wall of Protection Mojo Bag

Fiery Wall of Protection Mojo Bag

Keep yourself protected from any evil or negativity with this powerful Fiery Wall of Protection Mojo Bag that includes dragon's blood, angelica and other protective herbs. This mojo bags acts as...

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(image for) Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil derives its power from ginger, dragon's blood and other strongly protective herbs fusing together to create an impenetrable barrier against any who would seek to do you...

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(image for) Fiery Wall of Protection Powder

Fiery Wall of Protection Powder

Fiery Wall of Protection Powder derives its power from ginger, dragon's blood and other strong protective herbs to create an impenetrable barrier against any who would seek to do you harm. Fiery Wall...

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(image for) Florida Water 7.5 oz (glass bottle)

Florida Water 7.5 oz (glass bottle)

Florida Water is a floral-scented cologne with notes of citrus, lavender and clove that is frequently used for spiritual cleansing and drawing spirits of the dead. Florida Water is commonly used by...

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(image for) Four Thieves Vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar

Four Thieves Vinegar is a traditional hoodoo recipe used for protection, to ward away natural and unnatural diseases, to drive away enemies, and to create dissent and violence in groups. Four Thieves...

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(image for) Healing Herb Bath

Healing Herb Bath

Healing herbs like eucalyptus, mint and other powerful health-promoting herbs make Dr. E.'s Healing Herb Bath an effective tool to help support your body through the healing process. Healing Herb...

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Featured Products - Protection & Cleaning Products