Mastery Hoodoo Products and Mastery Spells

Mastery is a traditional hoodoo recipe for oil, herb bath, powders, candles and mojo bags designed to give you mastery over a skill and mastery of self. Dr. E.'s Mastery formulas gain their power from herbs and minerals traditionally used for mastery and wisdom, including bergamot, lodestone and bo'hog root.

Mastery is related to other spiritual hoodoo formulas like Success and Eloquence and Blessing. Like all of Dr. E. Products, Mastery products are made with genuine herbs, minerals and essential oils of the highest quality.

Mastery Oil - $7.00

How to use Mastery Oil:
Mastery Oil is used to give you mastery over a skill, topic or ability, or to master your sense of self and self-control. Carve a white skull candle with your name on the back, and the phrase "Mastery" on the front. Dress the candle with Mastery Oil and stare into the candle's eyes strongly stating "I have mastery over ______" (inserting the name of what you seek to master. Burn the candle down over the photo of you. When the candle is done, bury the remains in your back yard to gain mastery over that topic or skill, and to keep your masterful practice going. Try dabbing a bit of Mastery Oil on your temples when you practice the skill you seek to master. Add a bit of Mastery Oil to any spells for success or to any hoodoo love spells you are performing so that you masterfully handle those situations.

Mastery Herb Bath - $4.00

How to Use Mastery Herb Bath:
Mastery Herb Bath is used to master a skill, master an ability or to master your sense of self / self-control.

Brew the Herbs
Start by taking your packet of Mastery Herb Bath and placing it in a coffee cup. Pour boiling water over the herbs and allow them to sit for about ten minutes so that they can release their essences into the water. After ten minutes, strain the herbs out and save the liquid. You can dispose of the herbs either in the trash, or you can sprinkle them in your garden around the front door of your house. Pour your cup of full-strength Mastery Herb Bath infusion into a large washtub or bowl full of bath-temperature water. It is now properly diluted and ready to use.

Set Up Your Tub or Shower
Take your bowl of Mastery Herb Bath into the bathroom. Place two small white candles on either side of the bathtub or shower so that you cross between them as you enter and exit the tub. Plug up the tub so that you can capture the bathwater that runs off of your body (or if you are using a shower, place a bowl in the shower and stand over it to catch some of the water that flows off of you when you will bathe.

Take Your Bath
Light the two white candles, disrobe and enter the shower or tub with your washtub or bowl full of diluted Mastery Herb Bath. Traditionally, hoodoo practitioners will pray the Our Father and Psalm 23, or you may pray in your own words to master your skill or sense of self. Then pour the bath on your body working your way upward from your feet up to your head. Remember to get your back side, hands and feet. (Ladies who have recently had their hair done and don't want to mess up their hairdos can simply bathe up to the neck, then moisten their hands with the bath and lightly wet their faces and/or hair.) Set your bowl aside and begin to wipe the excess bath off of your body with your hands (always wiping upwards to "draw in" the good things you desire). Note that some of the water that you used was caught in the tub or in the small bowl you set at your feet. It doesn't have to be all of it, just some.

Dry Off
Exit the bath, walking between your white candles and air dry. Do not use a towel. If you are cold stand in front of a heater. Continue to wipe your body with your hands, always wiping upward until you are dry. At this point you can anoint your body with some Mastery Oil by dabbing a bit on your wrists, behind each ear, over your heart and on the bottom of each foot. Dress in clean clothing – preferably light in color (not black).

Dispose of the Bath
Now take the original coffee cup you used and scoop up some of the captured used bath water. You don't have to get all of it, just some of it. Take this outside. Toss the water over your left shoulder toward the east; toward the rising sun (your back will be to the sun if you're doing this right) and say "AMEN!" Then walk home and don't look back at the water you tossed. You can now go about your day knowing that you are covered with Mastery Herb Bath, and it is working to help you gain mastery over your chosen skill, ability or mastery of self.

Mastery Sachet Powder - $5.00

Ideas for Using Mastery Sachet Powder:
Mastery Sachet Powder is a powerful way to gain mastery over a particular subject, skill or ability, or to gain mastery of self / self-control. Sprinkle Mastery Sachet Powder around a purple candle that is dressed with Mastery Oil into the shape of a upward pointing triangle. Burn this on top of the Solomonic Seal of Mercury while you pray for the skill and ability to master the subject of your choice. The magic of Mastery Powder with the power of Mercury will work cooperatively to enlighten you and keep you focused on the task at hand. Mix some Mastery Sachet Powder into your child's foot powder or talcum powder. Every time they dust themselves they'll will be focused on their education and mastering their school work.

Mastery Mojo Bag - $30.00

How to Use Mastery Mojo Bag:
Our Mastery Mojo Bag is the great to carry when you are working on mastering a skill, mastery of self or in mastering self-control. Carry a Mastery Mojo Bag when you are learning a new subject or taking a class. It will help you remember what you were taught in class and help you master the subject in general. Keep a Mastery Mojo Bag hidden in a box on your desk. It will help you stay focused on your writing, studies or any form of educational work. Wear a Mastery Mojo Bag when you are undertaing a new field of spiritual work like rootwork, spell casting, or conjuration. It will help you master your spiritual powers and abilities in no time. Don't forget to check out the instructional page on How to Use Mojo Bags.

Mastery Setting of Lights - $25.00

Ideas for Use of Mastery Setting of Lights:
Mastery Setting of Lights can be used to gain mastery in a topic, master a skill, cultivate mastery of self, or in mastering a new field of study. We will dress, bless and light a Mastery Candle on our altars along with your specific petition and photograph. When your candle has finished burning we will send you a candle burn report via e-mail with details about how your candle burned and a brief interpretation of any signs the candle showed. Mastery Setting of Lights is perfect for mastering any subject, staying focused on tasks, mastering your sense of self, overcoming your weaknesses, and mastery of a skill/ability.